My Dog: An Unconditional Love Story (Film)

May 29, 2010

My Dog: An Unconditional Love Story (Film)

By Michele Forto

Today on the Dog Doctor Radio Show we interviewed award winning producer, Daryl Roth about her film My Dog: A Unconditional Love Story.

Listen to the show here:

My Dog: An Unconditional Love Story

The film explores the unique relationship between people and their beloved pets through candid interviews with notable dog lovers. Viewers are offered an intimate glimpse into the lives of these actor and musicians, authors and designers through the aspect of their lives that unites them all: the profound connection they have with their dogs.

The film is a tribute to all the dogs that have made our lives richer and happier. MY DOG captures the remarkable bond between our dog and ourselves.

I was privileged to screen the film early with my daughter, Nicole and husband Robert. There was not a dry eye in the room. We received the film the day after Mrs. Lynn Redgrave passed away who was part of the cast in the film. Her story about her relationship with her dog touched our hearts.

Other notable members of the cast are: Cindy Adams, Richard Belzer, Christopher Meloni, Glenn Close, Edie Falco, Greg Louganis, Richard Gere and the Shire family and their son, Danny who has a special connection with his his dog and the kinship they share.

This is a film that you will not want to miss. It is available through and

I encourage all of you to listen to the interview on the Dog Doctor Radio show then make plans to buy this uplighting documentary that just might change your life.


Michele Forto is the Denver Dog Training Examiner and the business manager of Denver Dog Works. Michele can be reached through her website at