The Adventures of Alaric Part 2

May 30, 2010

The Adventures of Alaric Part 2

By Michele Forto

Another week has passed and Alaric is progressing through his training nicely.  We have designed his training program and he is in full enrollment in advanced obedience, canine good citizen and trust building.

Alaric had a good visit with his handler and is getting more used to her home and the surroundings.  Due to Alaric having some fear anxiety with new situations we will continue to have short home visits until his full placement in 4 months.

It has also been noted that Alaric has fear around black dogs; this is being addressed in his daily training and by Alaric partaking in group classes on Saturdays.

Alaric’s handler was given her first set of obedience homework this week as well and she was able to complete all of the tasks with Alaric who is beginning to focus more on her and less on me.  This is great news since I have been involved in his life entirely for 2 years.

Alaric participated in canine good citizen this week and was handled by Junior Trainer: Nicole Forto reportedly: Canine Good Citizen encompasses ten items that each dog must pass and be able to demonstrate in a public setting establishing that dog as a good citizen in public.  Alaric did well on most of the tasks he does need work on supervised separation and we need to build distance for him to perform his commands.  He loves staying very close to us which is preferred for his psychiatric service work but is not preferred when working on obedience commands.


Michele Forto is Denvers Dog Training Examiner and the business manager for Denver Dog Works. Michele can be reached through her website at